Have you beenwondering how some organisations get the best from their employees and increases business? Here are some suggestionswe have
learned over thelast 5 years working with over350+ employer partners.
1. Set Goals:
As an employer, itis important to set goals for each department and each staff should be given responsibilities to follow through fora certain period.
WHY:It helps each staff know what is expected of them for each role in termsof deliverables and culture of the organization.
HOW:A detailed job description for each role/department within the organizationshould be created. Goalsshould be set quarterly/bi-annually/annually.
2. Update GoalProgress:
WHY:This will help the organization know the progress level of each goal set,the progress level of departments, each staff and areas wheredevelopment is needed. It also gives the employee a level of self-awareness asto what they can do and what they need to improve on.
HOW:Consistent follow-up on each department/staff to know what their challengesare, what can be tweaked to make progress and know where to improve.
3. RegularCheck-Ins: i.e periodic one on one conversation with your team members.
WHY: Tocheck progress and provide assistance where necessary.
HOW: Fixregular periodic dates with employees and departments. It could be weekly or monthly.
4. RegularFeedback:
WHY: Helpsto make staff self-aware so they continuously improve themselves.
HOW: Givefeedback in real-time. Understand the personality of each staff to know thebest way to give feedback and relate with staff.
5. Recognition/Appraisals:
WHY:To motivate staff. Let them know thattheir hard work is appreciated.
HOW: Itmust not be monetary. It could be plaques on the wall with the category ofrecognition and name ofstaff/department. It could be vouchers (movie, events, restaurant etc.)
6. PersonalDevelopment:
WHY:To upskill Staff
HOW: Basedon feedback, check-ins, and update on goal progress, as an employer, it isimportant to find out areas of development for each staff and suggest pieces oftraining that will help up-skill orimprove them.
Also, organizegeneral training to improve all staff in new technology (project management
tools, cloud-basedsoftware etc.) and general up-skilling of themselves.
These are somesuggestions based on our learnings in the last five years which we have appliedand have been effective.
In our next article, we would share some instructions and includean example of how each tip is done well.
Which of thesedoes your organisation already apply? Which are you going to try?
We look forward toyour response. We would love to hear from you!
Written by Toluwani Aina (Career Services/Employer Partnerships Coordinator)
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