Evans Eureka is a 21-year-old job seeker based in Ebuta Metta, Lagos. Prior to WAVE, he worked as a factory worker at Flour Mills where he earned N3, 000 per week. The amount was not enough to take care of him and decided to quit the job. He had attempted to seek for another job, but some factors (such as his qualification as an SSCE holder, job connection and networking, and lack of work experience) hindered him from getting one. He heard about WAVE through town-storming and enrolled due to her passion for hospitality. When asked what her challenge was during the training, “the distance is the major problem, but I encountered it by relocating to my brother’s house near the training venue in Yaba,” he said. Evans Eureka job-shadowed as a salesperson at Ikeja City Mall where he learned system processing, and the use of different office tools. Evans Eureka currently works at Foodshack VI as a waiter where he earned a minimum of N30, 000 per month. To him, 40% of her salary goes for family expenses because of their supportive measures. He advises job seekers to focus on interest rather than the salary when considering an offer.
He wishes to further his education in the Economics department at any reputable University.
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