I am the CEO of Fynne Photo in Yaba. Additionally, I operate several hospitality businesses in Ikeja.
One of the primary challenges I have encountered in my entrepreneurial journey has been the task of finding the right individuals to manage my businesses effectively. To be candid, this has proven to be a rather daunting challenge over the years.
Fortunately, WAVE has played a pivotal role in addressing this issue for me.
Recently, I had to offer an increased salary to one of my employees, who was sourced through WAVE, due to her exceptional performance on the job. I must express that WAVE has been doing an outstanding job in providing me with high-quality personnel.
Moreover, WAVE has instilled in me the confidence to venture into more business endeavors, knowing that I can rely on them to source competent individuals from reputable sources.
This is why I consider myself a silent advocate for WAVE, as I often refer other employers to their services based on my positive experiences with them.